Dave, Ben B & I are riding across the United States over approximately two months - beginning late March and ending no later than 31 May. The three of us will meet in Orange County on 24 March, spending the day catching up with jb & rach before flying out to South Carolina. Once there we will be staying with carrie & cody who are going to teach us everything we need to know for our adventure & help us do a bit of planning... Hopefully at that stage we will br able to give you all a bit more info on our exact route across (or at least a general idea of the states we are going through).
On approximately the 27th or 28th we will travel out to the coast, dip one toe in the sea and then jump on our bikes - the start of a 5500km+ trip, from Sth Carolina to California (east coast to west coast), ending at Newport Beach.
While we may not be able to regularly update the blog given where we are camping, travelling etc, we will make our best efforts to do so & relate some of the stories along the way (no doubt there will be a few). As I was told last night - it is all about the journey.
Stay tuned!