Ben, Dave & Ben RAAM

A blog to track Ben, Dave & Ben as they ride across America April-May 2006

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Hi all, we just arrived in Alexandria, Louisiana for our next rest day (tomorrow) and should be posting an update sometime soon.

Just in response to some of the comments, we have been successfully dodging tornados and hurricanes (some great thunder and lighting to be seen...) & no, I do not have a shaver with me... Do you know that shaving causes lower energy levels as your body races to regrow what you have shaved off? I need all the energy I can get... (we set a new p.b. this week of 155km in one day as well!)

Oh, and we are actually on the sore butt upside now, as we have been through the adjustment period and are turning into touring cycling machines! Fatigue has also be reduced after dropping off the hammer after the first week...


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